
lost in translation

Can someone please tell me how to get the navbar thingbob at the top of the page to be in ENGLISH? It's fine when i'm logged in to blogger, as my blogger language setting is English. My Internet Options language is set to English. All other websites appear all in English (convincing the computer to not automatically default to the Japanese version of some websites is another problem for another day).

Everything is set to English! I am set to English!


*edit: Hallelujah, I've been touched by a miracle! After days of angrily glaring at the Japanese characters in the navbar thingbob (including earlier this morning), they have up and turned into English! *boggle*


  1. My only thought is to check your Windows tray (bottom right of screen) to make sure it's set to English there - there should be a blue box with EN in it.

  2. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!! I miss Tokyo =( Wish we could have spent more time together in Tokyo before I left.
